Official Partnership with Stephen Moreton: The Game Plan. Is Coaching for me?
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We are thrilled to announce our official partnership with Stephen Moreton and The Game Plan.

Stephen is a Performance, Leadership and Team Coach who is currently working with some of the highest-profile athletes and organizations in the country.

Stephen is a former professional cricketer, has traveled the globe playing and coaching the sport – and has since earned an MBA in International Management and an Executive Coaching qualification. Stephen established and led the Coaching department at Cricket Ireland from 2010-2015 and was Head Coach of the National Women’s Team.

Since then, Stephen set up The Game Plan and helped develop high-performing teams in global organisations such as Amazon and Accenture, coached several SME’s across the country and individually over 75 inter-county players from the Gaelic Players Association and the Women’s Gaelic Players Association.

Stephen often leads a coaching community delivering organizational projects. We are delighted to partner with Stephen, who is looking forward to providing 1:1 coaching, Small group coaching and organisational coaching as a partner to Excape.

Stephen will be contributing a monthly blog, sharing thought-provoking pieces to help our community.If you are looking to fulfill your potential; have high standards and aspirations; are curious about exploring yourselves and your leadership capability; or who operate in high performance/professional environments – get in touch with us, or with Stephen for a conversation about your commitment to take your performance to the next level.

You can connect with Stephen on the social platforms below:Website: www.TheGamePlan.ioTwitter: @sjpmoretonInstagram:

Check out Stephen's first blog below.

Is Coaching For Me?

We know that coaching is not for everyone. Not everyone wants to be open, or to learn. Not everyone truly wants to commit to change, or to growth. The old adage of you cannot help those who don’t want to be helped rings true.However, we do know that more people are becoming aware of coaching being applied beyond its sporting roots. We now have (wonderful Excape!) coaches for our physical health, for our sports teams or pursuits, when we are learning music, a language, or a new skill. If you take a moment to think of the best leader, manager or influence you have had - I bet that they have employed a style of coaching with you.So it makes sense that those who want to improve their thinking, improve themselves or their impact on others would seek out a coach.There are various specialities, such as Leadership Coaching, Career Coaching, Relationship Coaching, Group or Team Coaching, and so on. Of course, we can consume masses of content on the internet and through our own research in certain areas - but to genuinely shift, it takes hard work and practice. The information is one thing, understanding how it applies to you, your values, your personality, and your ambition is another. A great coach can help make that hard work a bit easier.It helps to have someone that can help provide clarity, can see the brilliance in you (perhaps more than yourself), and can ask powerful questions that help you make sense of your own thinking, and engage the courage you have inside.So is it for me? Do you sound like one of these people?

  • Is “being the best you can be” is something you say to yourself, do you flirt with the idea of it?
  • Are you curious? About yourself, others, the world around you?
  • Are you leading a team, or hoping to in the future?
  • Do you run a business, or are you thinking of starting one?
  • Do you enjoy exploring yourself, your purpose, and being fulfilled?
  • You love learning and growing, but could do with some clarity, direction, or accountability?
  • Determined to progress in your life and in your career - and need a sounding board?

Why not pick up the phone and give it a try? What have you got to lose?I look forward to speaking with you,Stephen - Director, The Game Plan. (Tw:@sjpmoreton / IG: / Now. Organise a 30-45 minute session, free of charge with The Game Plan to understand more about yourself, whether coaching is right for you - and what support you might like.Avail of The Game Plan's special offer for the Excape community. Arrange here:

We look forward to bringing you all a monthly blog from Stephen.

The Sky is the Limit!

The Excape Team💫